Monday, July 27, 2009

50 by 50- DONE!!!

Yeah!!! I made my goal of completing 50 marathon or higher races by the time I turned 50 (insert un-smiley face here-for the turning 50 part) ansd I have one month to spare.
The good news is that my mission of making physical activity and good health a part of my daily life is achieved. After all this is what this goal was about - lowering my risk of death from heart and diabietes realted problems. The early death of my parents and a few siblings have made the risk very real and funny the older I get the more I care.
Vouageur was alot of fun despite everything . My first 1/2 went great. I even got to hear the song perfect day on my I-pod and it was so good- I was all alone going thru the power lines -so was able to sing as loud as I wanted. If fact I re-played two more times if felt so good and so perfect that this song was playing right then. I had a very hard second half. I have not felt so sick since FANS two years ago- when I had the same stomach ache thing. But I hate to dwell on things that don't go well because well- I finished -I might have just dropped if finishing this one was not so important.
It was so good to see so many of my running friends before and during the race. I don't know how I got so lucky to know so many great people. I really do not deserve it.
I owe alot to Rick B who was out spectating, he was very encouraging and helped me alot through the end, even running with me for a while, him in his sandals and all. It helps to be stronger when you are trying not to look like you are not as bad off as you feel. I also hated for him to be wasting his time out there so I knew I better just finish or he would never get home.
I really appreciate all the volunteers out there. Thanks Wayne for taking all the pictures!!!
Now I hae decsions to make- What to re-name the blog to?
I probably need goals too but what?